Friday, August 27, 2021

man-pages-5.13 released

Alex Colomar and I have released released man-pages-5.13. The release tarball is available on The browsable online pages can be found on The Git repository for man-pages is available on

This release resulted from patches, bug reports, reviews, and comments from 40 contributors. The release includes around 200 commits that changed around 120 manual pages.

The most notable of the changes in man-pages-5.13 are the following:

  • A new mount_setattr(2) page, written by Christian Brauner, that documents the mount_setattr() system call added in Linux 5.12.
  • I added documentation of the /proc/PID/projid_map file to the user_namespaces(7) page.
  • I added a greatly expanded description of the concept of locked mounts in the mount_namespaces(7) page.

Special thanks again to Alex, who kept track of a lot of patches while I was unavailable.