Friday, August 2, 2019

man-pages-5.02 is released

I've released man-pages-5.02. The release tarball is available on The browsable online pages can be found on The Git repository for man-pages is available on

This release resulted from patches, bug reports, reviews, and comments from 28 contributors. The release includes around 120 commits that change more than 50 pages.

The most notable of the changes in man-pages-5.02 is the following:

  • Thanks to Matthew Bobrowski, extensive documentation of FAN_REPORT_FID and directory modification events has been added to the fanotify(7), fanotify_init(2), and fanotify_mark(2) pages.
  • I have added several details on the dlopen API to the dlopen(3) page.
  • I've corrected a few longstanding errors and omissions in the pivot_root(2) manual page, and much more extensive changes for this page are in the pipeline for the next release.